About me
I am not just your photographer; I am not only here to capture moments that will last forever. I am your cheerleader behind the camera as well. I am committed to getting the right location, lighting and poses. My goal is to be the best person I can be behind the camera in order to make you feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera. All while making your experience fun and enjoyable. And to ensure that your moments captured can be pulled from the photo album and be the best stories to tell.
My Journey
After graduating in 2015, I honestly had no idea what I was going to do. I was set to attend GRCC but I felt that It was just not meant for me. I decided I would work in health care for about 5 years, 100+ hours every 2 weeks before realizing I had no time for my passion anymore.
My mother and father both reminded me that if you really want something, you’ve got to go for it! I finally decided it was time to go part time and to live my life, pursuing my passion to where I know it needed to be.
I worked hard and researched on end on my DSLR, figuring out how to use different settings, what all the menus meant on my camera and how to work off camera flash. I started picking up more sessions. Even during all of that work I felt I was not accomplishing what I was meant to do.
One day I set up a mentor session with Hannah Ziegeler herself. Her first words to me were “You’ve got everything down! You honestly don’t need much help, you have the eye!” I was absolutely stunned she honestly pushed me the extra step I needed to continue to move forward. I left that session in tears of joy. I was a young mother who had the smallest dream and someone saw my potential.
I honestly never thought I would be where I am today. As time went on, I started to realize that you shouldn’t need anyone to tell you how good you are as a photographer or as a person. Only you know how great you are inside and out. That’s when everything took off for me. I stated to book more sessions and watched my creativity start to show. I didn’t need that pencil and paper to show my creativity anymore. I had myself and my camera. Now, I get to demonstrate how creative I am in every senior session, wedding or any session I do. I have the ability to let my creativity flow.